The 2023 GOHI symposium hosted by the Kenya Medical Research Institute(KEMRI) was held on November 2nd -3rd 2023, in Nairobi Kenya at the Weston Hotel. The symposium brought on board stakeholders from different organizations including:
- Kenya Medical Research Institute(KEMRI)
- The Ohio State University.
- Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
- University of Nairobi
- University of Gondar
The main theme of the Symposium was “Addressing Complex One Health Challenges”. Different sub- themes were discussed during the 2 day symposium, they included:
- Emerging Zoonotic, Food , Water and Vector-borne challenges.
- Antimicrobial Resistance- The silent pandemic and pathogens of public significance.
- Climate Change, Changing Ecosystems and Health.
- Interaction between Communicable and Non- Communicable Diseases.
- Data Science, AI-ML for prediction and modelling of disease outbreak.
- Workforce development and gender equity.
Plenary Speakers from different countries and different organizations gave presentations on various topics, they also had sessions for answering any questions that came up. Global one Health, Need for Research, Disease Causative agents, Veterinary Medicine, Climate Change, Data Science, Application of One Health and Future plans for Sustainable partnerships in Global one Health were some of the topics discussed by the various speakers.
Some of the key speakers included:
- Dr Robert Onsare- KEMRI
- Dr Winfred Kyalo- University of Nairobi
- Dr David Tchouassi- ICIPE
- Dr. Mark Flint- Ohio State University
- Dr Feven Sahle- GOHI, Ethiopia
- Dr. Amanda Berrian- Ohio State University
- Dr Joseph Nguta- University of Nairobi
- Dr Joshua Onono- University of Nairobi
- Prof Wondwossen Gebreyes- Ex Director-(GOHI) Ohio State University.
The symposium gave a great opportunity for the MOHERE learners to network with people from other organizations and countries. It also brought more comprehension about the aspect of “Global One Health”.