Latest News & Announcements

Work Study Programme

The department of Public Health Pharmacology and Toxicology calls for application for continuing
PhD students registered at the department for work study program. This is supported by the
University of Nairobi Guidelines for student’s work-study-program. The applicants should be able to
commit up to one third of their time giving tutorials and teaching for undergraduate classes and
practical for Postgraduate students. Application should reach the department by 20/7/2024.

One Year Postgraduate Diploma in One Health and Emergency Research Ethics (POHERE)

The goal of this programme is to provide learners with the opportunity to develop ethics decision-making skills in the ethical challenges that occur in One Health research and research during emergencies. It will give learners an opportunity to develop leadership and collaboration skills for ethical conduct of One Health and emergency research. They will gain confidence and skills in identifying, reflecting on and making decisions  for One Health and emergency research which can be applied in research, ethics review and regulatory contexts.

Two Years Master of Science in One Health and Emergency Research Ethics (MOHERE)

The goal of this programme is to provide learners or participants with the opportunity to appreciate the relevance of ethics throughout all phases of research involving humans, animals or the environment, to develop skills in formulation of ethical guidelines to inform policy and practice of One Health and emergency research, to appreciate the ethical challenges in One Health and emergency research, and to develop confidence and skills in ethical decision-making in One Health and emergency research, during its ethical review and in regulatory contexts.

University of Nairobi and University of Helsinki, Finland Meeting on One Health Collaboration & Capacity Building

Department of Public Health, Pharmacology and Toxicology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Nairobi and University of Helsinki, Finland  staff members  held a meeting to discuss enhanced collaboration between the two universities. The team from Finland visited the PHPT department to explore areas of collaboration in research on one health. This is based on the existing collaboration between university of Helnsiki and University of Nairobi on one health research capacity building. 

Pork sold in Nairobi, neigbouring towns has harmful parasites

About one million people living in and around Nairobi are at risk of contracting a parasite from unprocessed pork slaughtered in Kiambu County.

This is according to a study conducted by scientists from the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) in collaboration with the University of Nairobi's Department of Public Health Pharmacology and Toxicology and the University of Liverpool's Institute of Infection, Veterinary and Ecological Sciences.