Diploma In Leather Technology

The Kenyan economy is largely based on Agriculture, which contributes 30% of the Gross Domestic Product. Ten per cent of this is derived from the livestock sector. The need to improve capacity in the livestock sector, therefore, cannot be overemphasized. While the sectors dealing with primary livestock products such as milk have been taken care of, the leather industry has largely been neglected. Currently, the highest qualification attainable in leather technology in Kenya is only up to certificate level, offered only at the Animal Health and Industry Training Institute (AHITI) at Kabete.

Seminar for Proposal presentations for Post Graduate.

The seminar Presentation of Proposals, progress report and research information on the predatory journals held on 26th September 2019 at PHPT Seminar room.  Seminar Presentations of progress report and research information on the predatory journals which the students should avoid in publishing their work. The seminar gave opportunity Mr. Okumu Mitchel to brief the audience on the issues of predatory journals and how to identify them when publishing their work. The progress report on PHD work for Mr. Joel Mwondu and Dr. Anima Sirma was presented including several Msc.